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Consulting Service

프레스티지 컨설팅에서는 각 학생에 맞는 맞춤형 컨설팅 서비스를 제공합니다. 9학년때부터 학생들의 목표와 니즈에 마추어 학기 과목 선택부터 경시대회 준비 그외 특별활동까지 체계적으로 준비해 나갑니다. 

Person Writing
1. College Transfer package

Applicable Grade: 12th grade to 2nd year in college

Period: 1 to 2 years

Requirement: GPA Top 10% / the 95th Percentile of SAT score and above / 3.7 GPA in college


Provided Consulting Services: 

  1. Main Essay & All supplementary essay revision

  2. Common application review 

  3. Create a college list

  4. College Resume revision

  5. Academic & Extracurricular Activity plan

  6. Summer Academic Plan & Application review

  7. College Search and Information

  8. Supplementary Essays Brainstorming

  9. Recommendation planning and tips

  10. Follow-up after submitting applications

  11. Prepare all the documents needed to transfer college

2. add on services
  1. College Tour

  2. Internship Arrangement

  3. College Financial Aid application

  4. Academic Research Work

  5. Tutor Referral

3. where our students are from
  1. Connecticut

  2. California

  3. Georgia

  4. Massachusetts

  5. Maryland

  6. Michigan

  7. New Jersey

  8. New York

  9. Pennsylvania

  10. Texas

  11. Utah

  12. Virginia

  13. Washington D.C.

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